Look what the postlady brought! A package from Ireland! I couldn't resist reading the mailbag postmark. :) Oops. I received Simply Knitting Magazine (one of those European mags...can't wait to read it), a Knitter's Magnetic Needle Holder with Darning Needles, yummy all natural gummy bears, TWO types of hot chocolate, L'Occitane foot cream, candy, a sweet note in a Raphael card (see those two angels thinking about how to squeeze in more knitting time into their day?) and the most lovely handmade Valentine's card for me and my hubby. It is fantastic: stitched red hearts with a large woolen heart on the cover and a beaded interior...wow, my secret pal in the Knitty Mellow Swap is too good to me...and she's talented as well, the card proves it! Hmmm...whom can she be? I'll have to wait to find out.
My hubby took me shopping today (like a date...you know...no kiddos) for my FCS2 pal...I found many of the goodies listed on her survey...time to box it up and ship it out to...somewhere. :)

And closeup...

These are random pictures of my second quilt that I made about 2 years ago for a mystery quilt that a local guild sponsored...they give the pattern in sections, monthly, and tell you how to assemble it during the last month. As you can see, I used my stash of bright batiks, without any thought to colorway, or a theme. These are the colors I love, though. :) Besides, my teen boys tend to leave alone the things I make with pink or magenta in them. Thank the good Lord...this is Momma's woobie/blankie. It's good to curl up with while knitting and watching TV.
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