I'm off to Missouri today, to see my eldest son graduate from Basic Training/AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood...it's a 17 hr trip by car. I have plenty of knitting (dishcloths, 1st BSJ and video, and socks) to keep me entertained, and my iPod is loaded and charged. I won't be online probably till next weekend, around the 25th. :) Also, our Greenlandic son, Rene, arrives later today, but I won't be able to meet him till I return! :( He'll be with us for a year. :)
I received some wonderful swap packages, noted on my Ravelry forum boards, but this is a thank you to my SP12 Pal, whom is very secretive, without ANY clues to her whereabouts! I like mysteries. I have lovely, lovely yarn, a handmade dishcloth/washcloth, notecards and gummy bears (Yum1). Thank you, thank you! I enjoy the colorways you've chosen for me. :)
I've been knitting quite a few facial cloths. This is one of them:

It's addictive, especially with the luscious cottons now available!