Yes, it IS July. Wow, where does the summer go? Garden is growing well, and hubby just constructed trellises for my runner beans and I'll be attempting to convince my cukes and tomatoes to use the trellis as well (thanks to
Square Foot Gardening).
We have now had 2 days without rain, and I'm thankful. We've been spending time on the deck and I enjoy the new "room" that it seems to have become.
In knitting news, I've completed the back of the Lace Hem Topping, and working on the front.
I'm really trying/attempting to finish some UFOs this summer, despite wanting to cast on about a half dozen new projects! I have also a new knitting bag on it's way to me:
Namaste's Laguna bag in Peacock:

The bag "seemed" to jump into my cart at
The Loopy Ewe while I was shopping for my SP12 Pal. This is one of my favorite knitting shops online...the selection and service is awesome.
I also have a confession of sorts. Yesterday, I gathered my yarn goodies (aka stash) and placed them in 78qt totes. The yarn was discreetly hidden in and about my eldest son's room aka knitting room aka computer room while he's been at college, and now at Engineer School/Army training in Missouri. He comes home late August, and will want "his" room back. Sigh. So I brewed a cup of coffee, and started collecting the yarn and placing it in totes, before relocating my stash to stack neatly in my large closet.
My yarn filled up 6 totes, and various containers. Yes, it did. I believe I can knit quite a few sweaters, outfit myself and family in socks for a lifetime, and knit until the cows come home. Yet, my stash grows. I will be on a sort of self-regulated Yarn Diet. Reality hit yesterday when I organized the stash. I may post photos if I can bring myself to actually document the stash is not as big as some, it IS bigger than others. I joined the
SummerKalCal, so I'll knit through my stash. Remember...if you see new yarn here, leave a comment and scold me. (Yeah, right) :)
Vacation Bible School (VBS) begins at
my church the last week of July, and we're having a 9a-4p day camp, with God's Creation as this year's theme. This year, I'm the Craft Lady, and it's time to get the projects chosen and supplies gathered.
Like I said, can it REALLY be July already? I haven't swam in the lake, picked strawberries yet, made jam, or visited the
Outer Banks in NC yet.
Slow down, summer!