Here they are, my "tools", not "toys" they are for my knitting. :)
A large Royal winder and a Swedish swift from Aspen-Ridge, an ebay store. The photo isn't well lit, but the yarn I wound was "Duck Season" by Fearless Fibers, an Etsy site. This is the color chosen by my 8 yr old son for his socks...which I've promised to cast on...on Monday. They're camouflage colors, or "army socks", as he says.
I went on a girl's day with Chris, and we 2 local beading stores, a quilt shop, and 2 yarn favorite being Ewe'll Love It. I bought yarn for various secret pals, baby yarn for newborn socks (a youth leader's wife at church is expecting her first child in May), some extra bamboo needles, and sock yarn for my sister's birthday. Yes, I "got the hint", Karin! :) We ended the fiber/craft expedition day with lunch at La Carreta, a favorite Mexican restaurant. Now, of course, I did NOT accomplish the following today: wash the upstairs rugs, clean our bathroom, vacuum, do the bills, finish the wash, or any such household thing!!! Hubby worked on spring maintenance on his motorcycle, and the sons played football/wrestling outside, avoiding all chores.
I love these spontaneous Saturdays!