These are my Monkey Socks as I work on the foot...they are Lorna's Laces sportweight in Purple Iris. The yarn was from an Ugly Yarn swap...I think it's a gorgeous colorway! My photos are dark, the colors are much prettier in person. Perhaps I should put my socks on my azalea bush outside to get a better color to post. I would like to knit these next in a fingering weight, though. It is a fun and easy pattern.
I took Toby to the vets today for his annual physical...He's up to 127 lb at 11 yrs old...He's a fat German Shepherd mix, and needs to lose weight, but he's losing use of his back legs, and he fell out of the Suburban at the vet's office...I think the trauma was the straw that broke the camel's back..we're waiting to see if he can use his back legs, or if this problem will progress...time for puppy heaven. He's a good pup...and hubby's buddy. We're using a towel to help support his hind legs while going up and down the two steps outside, and moved his bed downstairs. We'll see how things go over the next few days.
Back to my sock knitting! Kiddos are in bed.
Love your Monkey socks! This was a fun pattern to knit - mine are in Lorna's Laces yarn, too, and my daughters and I fight to see who gets to wear them...
I had to have my old (12) greyhound put down Xmas eve because he finally lost his back end. He had been slowly degenerating for the past year, getting progressively more wobbly, then that morning, he just couldn't get up. I hope you have many more years with Toby.
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