This is DH (Dear Hubby) and our soon to be 12 year old, Toby
More on Toby below...
OK, I've been blog surfing, and catching up on email for the . A post by Adrienne in California showed me the most wonderful sock patterns!!! And better yet, they're free, designed by her, and on her site. I have enough time in the day to start another pair of socks? I really need to finish my Monkey Socks...but take a look at these menehune cobblestone socks...gorgeous. :)
I had some minor dental surgery this am, and on the Vicodin post-procedure...and feeling a bit TOO good to even knit...I don't want to mess up the Monkey Socks! So...once this good feeling wears off, I'll knit.
I also have to take Toby, my 120+ pound soon to be 12 yr old pup to the Vet in an hour...I'll see if I need to cancel it due to medicated state. I may have to reschedule for Toby. He has his annual physical, but also needs his rabies update, and his nails clipped...Toby doesn't do well on stairs anymore, and I think he'll be in the pearly gates of Doggy heaven before the year is over.
After reading my ramblings, I've noted that I'd best quit my blogging for now.
P.S. My guess for my Knitty think...perhaps...MRS. MUNCH!!! Maybe? :) I"ll wait and find out....
1 comment:
Yep - you got me! I was at the dentist this morning - double extraction! X(
Sorry to read about poor Toby...
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