I am a tired but happy mom and a tired yet happy knitter. Eldest son graduated from high school last night, and he even smiled for me when I snapped the photo. He is not a natural smiler. It was a wonderful evening, made even MORE wonderful by the fact that I finally unknot my Koigu skein that was almost hopelessly tangled. Perseverance and a cool head paid off, but it took 3 days and hours that I could have spent knitting. However, no scissors maimed the skein, and I feel a weird sort of satisfaction in completing this maneuver.
I am recuperating today...I took my "boy" to get his graduation gift...a new Thompson chain reference Bible, a trip to our favorite...Dunkin Donuts, a stop by Barnes and Nobles (another favorite place), Wal Mart, and back home. I'm going to be useless and take a nap (not used to staying up till 1 am) before church tonight. I am determined to finish my Monkey Socks within the next 24 hours, so naptime and advil for headache are next on my agenda today.
Did you notice I'm rambling? Yup, naptime ahead. :)