I went up to my LYS as a focused woman, and bought thrummed mitten yarn and roving in a forest green hue for my 8 yr old, along with yarn (Ultra Alpaca) for my yet to be cast on Hemlock Ring Throw...(what was I thinking?)...as this particular LYS didn't carry Cascade Eco Wool, which I originally went there for. Happy with my purchases, I quickly exit the LYS and head home, contented. Upon arriving home, my brain kicks into gear, and I realize that the Ultra Alpaca is NOT a good choice for the Hemlock Throw, with all the blocking required, and that not one of the 354 people who knit it on Ravelry used this yarn, either. Also, my son noted that he would prefer RED mittens with BLACK roving, to match his "flame" hat.
To make a long story short, my craft co-conspirator Christine came over to knit, and before you know it, we were on our way to the LYS to exchange my yarn.
First, armed with a focused friend and a purpose, I exchanged the wool and roving for Sam's colors. Good. Next, I didn't see yarn I wanted for the Hemlock throw, so Christine excitedly asks me if I'd like to knit Fiber Trends Felted Clogs (see pic above of models) with her. Sure!
I exchange the Ultra Alpaca for...Ultra Alpaca in other colorways. I was told these would felt well. I've never knit this pattern before, but I'm casting on tonight! I've already circled all of my sizes on the pattern, and just need to wind my yarn and get my iPod in my ears.
Of course, while at the LYS for 1 1/2 hrs, my mind went crazy over project possibilities: Mittens knit with Cascade 220 and Mohair (both yarns are in my stash with pattern), a Manos Newport Shrug, Felted Clogs for Mom? Gloves for Sis? No...cabled scarf for Sis? more roving? sueded slipper bottoms for clogs? No... perhaps the new 101 One Skein Wonders book? Do I need more dpns? Well, I left there dizzy, but armed with my correct purchases. Celebrating the victorious trip, we went to Dunkin Donuts. Homework for both of us tonight: Cast on Felted Clogs and do the sole, and I've got to finish my second thrummed mitten, now that I have more roving.