Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm a Whiny, Stuffed Head Mom...but still Knitting

Bring on the NyQuil...my true friend. :) Head cold, chills, earache, bah...time for me to get jammies on and take it easy. I've been working on my Manos Throw and some thrummed mittens, and finishing up socks for my mom. Thanksgiving is NEXT week....can you believe it?
I've been listening to some wonderful podcasts...She-Knits, Yarn Thing, Ready,Set,Knit...old episodes of Unwound (I REALLY liked Kelli's podcasts!), and etc....It's a Purl, Man's new episode...etc. Rambling and NyQuiled...time to get back into bed!


Dorothy said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

yuk! feel better really soon, or at least get the nyquil relief!
good excuse, feed a cold, starve a fever! stay warm, and rest!

Lovs2Knit said...

Hope you start feeling better soon!