My Knitty/swap friend Erin had a great post about being interviewed by a friend. I asked her to interview me and she sent me four questions that I have to answer. If you want to play too, leave me a comment that says “Interview Me” and I’ll get you going as well. I’ll put the “rules” at the end of this post if you want more info!
1. What was the best job you ever had and why? Hmmm...I've only had a few paid employment positions... working at our farm's produce stand while a teenager, working as an aide at a nursing home, I have my bachelor's degree in nursing, so I'm officially an RN (most rewarding, but most stressful) in the neonatal ICU and then Labor and Delivery for a dozen years or so, and my unpaid job now is wife/mother/homeschooling mom of 3 sons. Although my most challenging and most prized "job" is of wife and mother, and the blessings of being both, the best paid "job" I had was manning the farm stand while growing up.
I didn't realize it then, but my generation was the last at my family's farm in CT to grow the most sweetest corn and amazing fresh vegetables, and 5 generations later, we're finished with growing crops and the land is now surrounded by large huge homes owned by NYC CEOs and the like. I thought it was so wonderful to pick fresh corn early in the morning for $1 a bag, and to assist my dear grandfather with the veggie stand. So many memories, I could ramble forever. The best strawberries, tomatoes, corn, and the old cigar box from Long Hill CT that held the day's profits. We used to also have people from NYC drive up for the really heavy corn (what we call "cow corn") and thought it was SO funny back then. People actually wanting to BUY heavy, tasteless cow corn! :) I miss the simplicity, or what I thought was simplicity, of the closeness of the family, the farm, and the special bond between my grandfather and I.
OK, that was a long answer, but this IS an interview!
1. What was the best job you ever had and why? Hmmm...I've only had a few paid employment positions... working at our farm's produce stand while a teenager, working as an aide at a nursing home, I have my bachelor's degree in nursing, so I'm officially an RN (most rewarding, but most stressful) in the neonatal ICU and then Labor and Delivery for a dozen years or so, and my unpaid job now is wife/mother/homeschooling mom of 3 sons. Although my most challenging and most prized "job" is of wife and mother, and the blessings of being both, the best paid "job" I had was manning the farm stand while growing up.
I didn't realize it then, but my generation was the last at my family's farm in CT to grow the most sweetest corn and amazing fresh vegetables, and 5 generations later, we're finished with growing crops and the land is now surrounded by large huge homes owned by NYC CEOs and the like. I thought it was so wonderful to pick fresh corn early in the morning for $1 a bag, and to assist my dear grandfather with the veggie stand. So many memories, I could ramble forever. The best strawberries, tomatoes, corn, and the old cigar box from Long Hill CT that held the day's profits. We used to also have people from NYC drive up for the really heavy corn (what we call "cow corn") and thought it was SO funny back then. People actually wanting to BUY heavy, tasteless cow corn! :) I miss the simplicity, or what I thought was simplicity, of the closeness of the family, the farm, and the special bond between my grandfather and I.
OK, that was a long answer, but this IS an interview!
2. Tell us about the best item you ever knit and why it was your favorite. Well, I've only knit socks, a shawl or two, and a dinosaur sweater a dozen years ago for my eldest son (the one heading to Norwich U. next month). I think the nasty acrylic dinosaur sweater is my favorite...because knitting was re-introduced to me by my then-neighbor Nancy, in her 70's, and she patiently taught me about casting on, pattern reading, gauge, working with two colors, carrying yarn, etc...and although the sweater wasn't perfect, it was handmade with love, and that is the moment in time I KNEW I'd be a knitter for the rest of my life, even if it took me a decade to take it up again. Since then, no more acrylics, and I'm an unabashed knitter who loves fiber and colors, and the feel of yarn on needles.
3. What one food item could you eat constantly and never get sick of it? Hoo-Boy...one item?
Well, I've had gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago, and that has greatly changed my perceptions of food, what I can enjoy, and what I can eat (although NOT constantly!) and never get sick of it...it's not sweets anymore...I like them, but they definitely cause me distress since the surgery.
So...something not as dramatic, such as shrimp with seafood sauce, a nice medium/rare filet mignon nibble, the original Swedish Fish, or a nice HOT cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee with extra cream and Splenda, with a good Scottish shortbread.
Well, I've had gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago, and that has greatly changed my perceptions of food, what I can enjoy, and what I can eat (although NOT constantly!) and never get sick of it...it's not sweets anymore...I like them, but they definitely cause me distress since the surgery.
So...something not as dramatic, such as shrimp with seafood sauce, a nice medium/rare filet mignon nibble, the original Swedish Fish, or a nice HOT cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee with extra cream and Splenda, with a good Scottish shortbread.
Here are the rules in case you would like to be interviewed next:
1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you four questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them four questions
KM has taken the challenge! I've posted 4 questions to her...watch her blog for her upcoming interview!
Your sox box is on the mail, but it will take time before its at your door step. ( app.3-4 weeks) but it'll arrive at its time.
Yours sox box pal
Great answers!!! =)
Interview Me! I like this better than a meme. KM
Great questions. They really made me think. And this blog journaling is a great tool for processing my thoughts. It's easy to forget what's important. Thanks for questions that point me back to my heart. I'm reading a book called Breathe. I'm gathering thoughts for a post from that. KM
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