Yes..this has to do with knitting...bear with me. During my Bible reading this am, a particular verse kept popping in my head: "For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind "(2Tim 1:7). Where IS this "sound mind" of mine this week?
It sound silly, but arguing with J, my 15 yr old son, about his "NEED" of being able to text message on his (actually, it belongs to his parents) cell phone 24/7...pretending to be a Star Wars action figure for S, my 7 yr. old...and discussing the upcoming meeting with an Army recruiter with B, my 18 yr old...ahhh...this is why I knit.
I love my life, my hubby, my kids, my church family...but I enjoy the restorative effect of knitting!!! The feel of the yarn through my fingers, the clicking of the wooden needles, the repetitive patterns that seem to keep this ADD-type head of mine active, the ability to create something from sticks and string, as S calls them...this is what knitting does for me. I know that the good Lord loves me, and has allowed me to enjoy these perks of knitting.
Back to knitting...see the skein pictured here? The skein of BlueMoonFiberArts (AKA Socks That Rock) lightweight yarn in the colorway of "Lovers Leap" has become an object of my affection. Yup...it's only been in my possession for 3 days, and it sits elegantly on the top of my unseamed Kureyon sweater on my dresser. The Blue Moon yarn is now my most favorite touchy yarn...I can't wait to cast on a pair of socks, but it's SO nice in the skein. An object of art...almost! So, I guess I must purchase more...in any and all colors. Won't they look nice in a cute basket on the corner of my dresser? I'll post if I do.
It's time to get the kids up for school...we have a home school group that meets twice a week here, and today's the day. I'll be bringing my purple cardigan WIP for my free time today.
Knit On...
1 comment:
I just purchased 5 skeins from BMFA. 2 arrived on Wednesday. Lagoon and G Rock heavyweight. They sit under the lamp on the lamp table in the livingroom. This morning my kids had me order for them so 3 more skeins are on the way; carbon (boy child) rhodonite (girl child) and lovers leap for me all in medium weight. You can check out their destiny on my blog http;//tincantextiles.blogspot.com
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