Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SP 12 Question #6

What is(are) your favorite place(s) to knit? Anywhere, anytime, any place. Favorite: on my deck, kids aren't fighting, I'm watching the birds, garden, etc. Cool or warm...but not humid or too hot. Iced tea or coffee or hot coffee at hand. Other favorite places: lake house, big easy chair in the winter, or anywhere.

What supplies (besides yarn & needles) make the setting perfect for knitting? Coffee. Quiet house, or at least, laughing and playing vs. whining or such (I have teens). A good movie...for me, not for the kids. The most perfect setting: time to knit. Again, anywhere, anytime.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I can't tell if mine are fighting right now or having fun. I've decided to ignore it until somebody cries. :)