Next, I hung my Central Air sock in my yet to bloom white azalea bush. Actually, I'm just about to start the toe now. This single sock has taken me 2 months, rather than the usual 2 weeks for a complete pair, as my hands still are often uncooperative with the arthritis. I'm learning patience, by the grace of God.

And our geriatric chicken, Sonja, staring endlessly at her reflection in the tailpipe of hubby's cycle....

This Duncraft birdfeeder was my Mother's Day present. I love it! (I picked it out and bought it with hubby's blessings). It was originally in my front yard, but a racoon (we think) knocked it over. In the small perennial garden in the back, it now stands, and I love watching all of the bluejays, titmouses, chickadees, goldfinches, etc. I've yet to get a cardinal at this new feeder set up. Hummingbird feeder is also waiting for the hummers to return this season.

Yesterday, our beloved 17 yr old cat Grady, passed away in his sleep. He was a GREAT cat, and lived with us since we lived in Gloucester, VA. Rest in peace, Grady.
So...what did we do today? Um...took the kids out, and adopted 2 8 week old female kittens. Shoot me, I know. Yes, we did. I think the kids named them Miley and Rosie. Pictures to follow, of course. Not today, though.
Oh...sweet kittens. You needed those. I'm sure the pure joy they bring with their cuddles will be worth it.
I had bloodwork done for RA because my orthopedist suspected it...and thank God that's not what it is for me. But I am settling into Osteo-Arthritis. When I knit the Koolhaas, I really suffered. Some how those twisted stitches left my hands sore for days after just completing a row. But some things...especially a bit bigger needles (like 6 or 8's) left me pain free. My clapotis was a good knit for this. Life will be different, but you'll find your groove.
I hope God sends you some hummers soon. We have ours year round...and I can't imagine spending a winter without them.
What a beautiful yard!
Isn't it amazing the way God decides to teach us lessons about patience and perseverance? He is so good!
Sorry for the kitty loss. I hope the news one adjust to their wonderful new family soon!
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