Ahem...Today, an hour ago, my "sweet" 7 month old Schnoodle, Annie, had a tug of war with my current WIP...my Forest Canopy Shawl...about half way completed. She won. Sigh. It was all undone...during a few short seconds in the middle of the Red Sox game (Go Sox!).
Sweet, sweet schnauzer faced angel girl...the puppy that I myself had chosen over all others...LOVES to eat my string on sticks...aka needles and yarn. A lot.
It was no use, damage was done, so I rewound the skein, made a nice cuppa Green Mountain coffee, poured it into my favorite Longaberger coffee mug, and ....started again.
RIP Forest Canopy, and I begin again. Note to self: Knit with Annie ONLY if watching her every move, and secondly, I have this pattern memorized, so second time must be a charm! :)
I think the Lord is teaching me patience.
Kris - I will be praying for your mom.
I'm SO SORRY about your shawl! The puppy looks too cute to be so vicious!
Sending lots of good thoughts for your Mom.
And I'm sorry about the shawl! Someone once told me that puppies and kids are cute to keep you from killing them....
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