Thursday, July 17, 2008

SP12 Question #6

What is your favorite type of project to take along on holiday/

I take a few/many projects..."in case" I run out of things to work on. :) It has never happened yet. I take socks, a larger WIP (sweater, etc.) and perhaps something I need to concentrate on (lace, cabling, etc). The socks stay in my bag, always. My favorite take alongs are socks and lace. So I always have SOMETHING to knit!
You NEVER know where you need to wait.

If you'd like to share a story…Tell us about a time that you packed
too much knitting or were stranded without knitting.

I just always pack too much knitting, so I'm NOT stranded without knitting. Being stranded without knitting is just too painful, drives me crazy, and is a waste of good knitting time. :)
No particular story comes to mine right now, but hubby doesn't blink an eye anymore when I bring lace on our Florida vacation to the beach and knit.

1 comment:

km said...

I can't think of a time I packed too much, but I always remember the times that I forgot to bring any knitting. The worst time was when I had to sit on a couch at IKEA because my knee was killing me, while M went off to find some cabinet handles. I wasted a good hour sitting on the couch with no one to even talk to. I should have had knitting with me. Lesson learned.