Although it's been a month since last blogging, we are alive and well here in New Hampshire. We've had a lot of snow, ice...and more snow and ice...and we're PATIENTLY awaiting Spring and sunshine here.
Knitting News and Updates: My Tramline Cable Pullover back is completed, and I'm 1/3 finished with the front. A fun knit. The 2 at a time socks (Coquette) are a hoot to knit, and I'm on the foot section of this pair. Newly cast on: Tangerine Twist summer sweater in Classic Elite Provence cotton yarn.
Why no updates? Mostly due to the fact that I find it physically difficult to use the keyboard on the computer, as I've recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and my hands seem to be affected the most, along with fatigue and occassional fever with flare-ups. While all is fine, I feel like I've fallen off the face of the blogging world, but I'll be back here with photos and general knitting banter when I'm feeling up to it. :) Oh, and I'll be on Ravelry when able (aka KnitterKris).
I'm enjoying knitting podcasts, while I'm not able to keep up with knitting while my hands give me trouble, and I'm especially enjoying the new Belle of the Ball podcast, as well as my favorites...She-Knits, Yarn Thing, KnittingatNight, Cast On, Stash and Burn, and many more. Check them out if you haven't yet!
Kris, I'm sorry to hear about the arthritis. I know that's no fun. My mom has had tremendous success with Remicaid - although I'm not sure what type of arthritis she has (isn't that terrible?)
I've missed you! You and your family are often in my thoughts and prayers!
Oooh sorry to hear about the RA dx. I'm sure you've already scoured the internet for helpful tips for coping. Best of luck with it. Don't give up and keep a good attitude... you sound like that's your style anyway :)
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