My Son is Graduating from High School This Month...
Time for a Blog Contest for my
Knitting Friends!
To celebrate my eldest son's graduation from homeschooling from high school, and his upcoming freshman year at Norwich University, I'm having a blog contest for my knitting friends here!
It's easy! YOU leave a comment (see below), my son picks a winner for the first question, I pick a winner for the second question, and 2 people get luscious yarn goodies!
Below is Fleece Artist's Hercules colorway in a 100% Merino sock yarn. You can see the details of this yarn at
The second yarn prize is 2 skeins of Panda Wool (46% bamboo, 43% wool, 11% nylon) in either periwinkle or vine green...enough for a pair of socks!
Here are the two questions, and please leave your comments on this blog. Thanks in advance!
Question 1: What small tidbit of advice do you have for my son as he heads off to college?
(Make it short and sweet, and don't make me have to censor it!)
Question 2: I love Cookie A's sock designs. Go to Cookie's website, pick out a sock pattern for me to start (sorry, but not the German Stocking or Rhiannon) and WHY this pattern wants to jump onto my needles! If you have a yarn suggestion or etc, feel free to comment!
This contest ends Monday, May 7th, at midnight, EST. :) Have fun!
Time for a Blog Contest for my
Knitting Friends!
To celebrate my eldest son's graduation from homeschooling from high school, and his upcoming freshman year at Norwich University, I'm having a blog contest for my knitting friends here!
It's easy! YOU leave a comment (see below), my son picks a winner for the first question, I pick a winner for the second question, and 2 people get luscious yarn goodies!
Below is Fleece Artist's Hercules colorway in a 100% Merino sock yarn. You can see the details of this yarn at

Here are the two questions, and please leave your comments on this blog. Thanks in advance!
Question 1: What small tidbit of advice do you have for my son as he heads off to college?
(Make it short and sweet, and don't make me have to censor it!)
Question 2: I love Cookie A's sock designs. Go to Cookie's website, pick out a sock pattern for me to start (sorry, but not the German Stocking or Rhiannon) and WHY this pattern wants to jump onto my needles! If you have a yarn suggestion or etc, feel free to comment!
This contest ends Monday, May 7th, at midnight, EST. :) Have fun!
1. Be smart. Be safe. This applies to any situation, any time. Most importantly, listen to yourself.
2. Millicient. Because it immediately drew my eye.
1) If you see a common theme in the cafeteria's meals by the third day I would avoid it
aka night one chicken breasts, day two chicken salad sandwiches, day three Chicken tetrazini...
Remeber cereal is a good back up plan!
2) thelonius - good profile socks, lots of common theme with a bit difficulty giving the sock nice profile which will be seen when to cross you legs!
1. Don't feel pressured to know what you want to do with the rest of your life. I don't know if you've got a career path in mind, but give yourself permission to change your mind if you want to. Heck, I'm 36 years old and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. And that's fine with me.
2. Twisted Flower... because it's the last one on the page it might feel neglected.
1. "Be not another if thou canst be thyself." Paracelus
2. Thelonious, because it's the one I'd be most likely to wear. But I'd probably do it in a lighter color.
Congratulations, first off, to your son AND to you on his graduation :D
Question 1: The best advice I'd offer someone going to college is to try anything and everything you can - find something you love learning about and spending time with, and you will know you've found your calling. "Real Life" really is different, so enjoy the time you're in college - but not so much you have more regrets than memories. Use it as a chance to learn how to be on your own, as much as possible, while you still have your safety net :)
Question 2: Will have to wait, because for some reason, I can't get to cookie's site right now :(
1. Have fun!!!! Try new things. College is such an exciting time, so many new people to meet and fun things to do.
2. I like the Flicker sock pattern best. It's very regal looking to me, for some reason.
1. Have fun. The four years of college are some of the best years of your life and they go by very quickly!
2. I like the Flicker sock pattern, should go well with something from your stash!
Thanks for hosting this contest.
1) Have fun, take care of yourself. Food is important, even if it's the aforementioned cereal. Exhaustion and lack of food is a recipe for disaster, take my word for it!
2) I have to say I'm drawn to both Millicent and Thelonius, because of the lines in them and how they sweep up and down. Thelonius is my pick though - it flows up and down the leg in a very elegant line.
Question 1: What small tidbit of advice do you have for my son as he heads off to college?
Have fun and try something you have never done before. By that I mean something legal and safe, but something you've always wanted to do but never got the chance to do at home. For me that was rugby.
Question 2: I love Cookie A's sock designs. Go to Cookie's website, pick out a sock pattern for me to start (sorry, but not the German Stocking or Rhiannon) and WHY this pattern wants to jump onto my needles! If you have a yarn suggestion or etc, feel free to comment!
I think you should start Twisted Flower. It's beautiful, delicate and intricate. I would recommend Yarn Pirate's new Magnolia colorway because..well, it's gorgeous. It too, is beautiful and intricate. I think it'd be a good pairing.
1. Beer and cold cereal do not go well together. Trust me on this one.
2. Twisted Flower. It's spring, so knitting flowers seems appropriate. Re appropriate wool: Order something luscious from your favourite on-line vendor. You deserve it: Your kid is graduating!
well for the most part have fun stay safe and call you mother at least once a week
the second one is the twisted flowe sock becouse it looks like it could be a challenge and you look like a woman who enjoys chalenges : have a great day
cathy h
First off congratulations. It is a very exciting time in your life, that is about to begin. Have fun but be safe. Learn alot, live alot, make lots of friends, but always be true to yourself. Don't forget the reason you are there. Enjoy every minute of it, because the time will fly by and before you know it its gone. Make lots of great memories and no regrets.
I think the flicker is beautiful and busy enough to keep you challenged but not so much that you can not help your son get ready for college. I am sure it is a busy time in your life as well and you will want to spend every minute you can with him, before he goes.
1. Advice to son: Remember who you are and aim high. Ps 16:6
2. Which Cookie pattern? The twisted flower is a absolute MUST. It has character, it has beauty, it has challenge and it is striking. Once these are done and others see them, you will be known as the KNITTING FASHIONISTA!!
Bless you all,
Linda T from Minnesota
1. Be Safe. Enjoy this new opportunity to meet people, and learn new things. Get plenty of sleep.
2. Twisted Flowers.
Congrats to you and your son!
Question 1. I agree have fun it is the best time of your life. Experience all you can (legal and safe) as those memories will last you a lifetime.
Question 2. I liked the Flicker. Well gheez I liked them all.
1. Have fun! But leave enough time to eat and sleep, and do your laundry!
2. Twisted flower - challenging and springlike!
My advice for College Boy is twofold : Firstly, act and speak as if your mom was standing right behind you and secondly : Be good, but if you can't be good, be careful (and HAVE FUN!!)
I heard Thelonious Sock whisper "Tell her to knit MEEEE", so who am I to argue? I would suggest using Lorna's sock yarn (only because that is the ONLY sock yarn I have ever actually touched, and it is yumm-o).
Good luck at college, son and good luck knitting your sock, mom!! :p
lotsa love
1) best advice can be found here (adapt as fits your situation)
2nd best advice..enjoy! And hang in there. Its harder if you have to go back to start over in your 30s (just ask my son)
2) Twisted Flower
1) Always remember God and family and act accordingly, don't say, do, or write down anything you would be ashamed of God or your parents knowing about.
2) TWISTED FLOWER!!!! These are the most awesome socks(next to the other two Mom mentioned that I won't attemp either) I do have this pattern and I am going to use either hand painted or the nice green yarn you have listed as a prize, it is vine green??!!
1. Remember to enjoy yourself, but check in with someone regularly. Everyone wants you to have fun, but everyone wants to know you are safe. Get all your studying done first, then party with a clear conscience. You'll enjoy it much more!
1. Flicker is verrrry pretty! I think it would be wonderful in any yarn that has gradual and long color changes.
Congrats to your son!
1. Don't try to rush your way through this experience. Cherish it and make last as long as you can. Life in the real world will come at you much sooner than you realize!
2. I definately think Gothic Spire! And I would try Dream In Color's sock yarn. The soft color variations in the yarn would work well with the intricacies of the pattern.
God bless!
Question #1: Get involved in a club, intramural sport, frat or volunteer organization. It brings the shear size of the university down to a group of friends with similiar interests for you. Friends that may last a lifetime!!!! Enjoy your time at college.
Question #2: Twisted Flower Sock Pattern is my choice. Its spring afterall!!!
1. Keep your Eye on the Prize - this place is not your Home ... BE a blessing and you will be blessed!!!
2. Twisted Flower Sock - because it will always be a reminder of the Road Less Traveled in your Mom's Great Adventure of bringing up her son in the nurture and admonition of the Lord!!!
1. (For surviving being away from home) Call your folks regularly - it keeps them from getting weird and keeps you grounded. My kids call every Sunday night. (For your college experience) Don't avoid a class just because it's early in the morning - some of the best teachers teach those classes, and if you're having trouble, seek help early. This also includes feedback from your peers - my daughter had a bad teacher and she thought is was just her... she waited too long but found out from other students as they said, "oh...*him!*" (BTW - Good luck in college and congrats!)
2. Thelonius - because it looks fairly simple (presuming you don't want anything too complicated since you ruled out German Stocking and Rhiannon). The mirror image really appeals to me, too.
1) While it may seem like a fun thing to let loose, remember, every action has a consequence whether it be good or bad and call your mom at least once a week!
2) Twisted flower, it looks challenging and it's springtime, flowers are starting to bloom!
SueC in CT
1: Learn to cook a few simple meals. This will save you from the 'rubber' (stretch over three days!) chicken meals at the cafeteria and save a few bucks which will be better used socialising!
2. Twisted Flower. You should knit this because I want to but have too many other projects on the go. :-)
1. "Stop, Look and Listen" They used to tell us this when we were learning to cross the street on our own so we didn't get mowed down by a car! The same principle applies when you go away to college! No-one will be there to hold your hand, so you have to learn to stand on your own two feet and not get mowed down by mistakes.
2. Flicker--well, it's at the top of the list, and you can post a picture of your "Flicker" on a "Flickr" site! Pretty catchy, huh?! ...and by the way, ((Hugs)) to the mom--it's always difficult to see the little ones leave the nest!
1) Make friends with the maids in your dorm. Remember, they are the ones that control the flow of toilet paper.
2) Twisted Flower Sock Pattern - it looks like so much fun to knit!! I've knit a similar pattern with Mountain Colors Wool Quarters and the yarn really makes the cables *pop*. The Medium Weight Socks that Rock in one of the more solid colors would probably work well too.
Congratulations to both you, your son and your husband. I KNOW what a feat this is as I HS both daughter's all the way through and they are graduating from college in ONE week...YAY!
1) It is hard to give just a small tidbit of advice here...there is so much I could say. My counsel would be to call your MOM often! She will be going through a grieving process as you have been with her more than the average kid and she will miss you a lot. It will help her through the process if you talk to her often and share all the exciting things that are happening to you. Remember, YOU will be busy with new things but SHE still has to walk past your old bedroom!
2) I'll go with the Millicent socks since I have a cousin named Millie. What fabulous socks Cookie has! I want to knit all of them.
Congratulations on your graduation and your decision to homeschool through high school. I offer three "purls" of wisdom for your college adventure. First, take classes in all disciplines not just your major field of study. Some of my favorite classes were completely unrelated to my science major. Second, make friends of your professors. They have much wisdom that they can share with you that you will not get in the classroom. Finally, remember that not everything presented by a college professor or even written in a book is true. Do not allow your professors or friends to shake your faith. I wish you well.
For your knitting question, Thelonius. It is unique, it is classic. The movement of the lace within the ribbed bands is sheer design genius. If that were not enough there is the fact that the lace mirror images on the other sock so both socks are a new adventure. Double your knitting fun. Thelonius screams to be knit with Louet Gems - soft, supple and shiny. There are tons of colors so you will have no problem finding one you like. I chose burgundy.
1. Listen to your inner guide and don't be led by others. You know what's best for you.
2. Mona, hands down. I just finished a pair using Louet Gems. I'll do another pair, but with Panda Wool. Mona is easy, like Monkey, and looks great.
College Advice:
Make friends with people other than the ones you went to school with - there is a world of new people out there.
Sock Advice:
Rhiannon Sock Pattern !
Good luck!
2 pieces:
NEVER hesitate to ask a question
SUCCESS is getting it done, even if it's in your own time frame
I would choose Twisted Flower pattern
1) Never be afraid to ask for help, no matter what the situation.
2) I vote for the Millicent sock pattern, perhaps done with your lovely Rock n Roll Wildfoote yarn.
Q #1: Use this time to explore many new things and try out many different ways of being. Later you will be very busy making a living.
Q#2: Millicent because I like the swirl across the foot, I like the lace cuff and I like that the leg can be adjusted for big calves like mine.
Julie in San Diego
Congratulations on graduating from home school highschool.
1. My piece of advice is to choose your friends well. They will be the ones who hold you up when you miss home and will be the ones that you just hang with and help you when you need that midnight pizza run or help studying.
2. I really like the Mona sock. I like how lacy and complicated it looks, but the pattern repeats itself over and over.
I guess my original post never went through.
1. Study, study, study but try not to let slip the little things in life like enjoying time with friends.
2. I'd go with Flicker, which has enough challenge. Sometimes a person needs a little challenge in their knitting. I highly recommend going with the Louet Gems yarn that Cookie uses in her patterns. It's soft and machine washable....can't beat that. :~)
1) Enjoy and have fun, but keep your goals in mind. Do your best and be proud of what you do. Use your head AND your heart when you make decisions.
2) Thelonious - It is probably the easiest and you have enough to think about right now! Of course, the gorgeous factor figures in, too!
1. Have fun, but work hard. Trust me. If you thought Organic Chem was bad the first time, it'll be even worse the second time. Ask me how I know.
2. Gothic Spires. It looks so intricate and beautiful.
Question 1: Take some classes that are hands on and some just because you like the topic, to round out the ones you need to graduate.
Question 2: Twisted Flower Sock: because it is SPRING and blooming should occur everywhere including on your socks
College advice:
Take advantage of all the experience has to offer - this means studying and learning as well as having fun and trying new things. And just be yourself.
As for a sock pattern, I would choose Thelonius, because the idea of starting a pattern named for a jazz great right as your son moves on to start improvising a new stage of his life just seems right. Besides, the "swooping" lines look like fun as well as inspirational for this momentous time of your life (and his).
Thanks for setting this contest - it is fun. And congratulations, parent of a graduate!
Knit in peace,
Congrats to you and your son! I'm graduating next week too (PhD for me) and it's such a great accomplishment at any level. To answer question one, I'll offer 2 things to help with academics. First is to make sure your professor knows you exist. Freshmen classes can be big and students can get lost easily. Go see your prof during office hours, even just to say hello and ask for any suggestions on how to succeed in his/her class. It helps to be a person and not a statistic. Second suggestion is to make friends with the college library. Finding a good spot where you can study and scheduling regular "library hours" to do that studying will help so much to keep you on track, so you don't get behind on reading, etc. (ask me how I know??? LOL My father the professor and advisor told me a long time ago and he was right!)
About Cookie's awesome sock patterns, it's hard to choose, but since you are such a committed Christian I would suggest Gothic Spire pattern. I just love the spirituality of gothic arches and this pattern does a great job of combining lace and textured patterning. Have fun knitting your choice!
Kristina in Knoxville
Philippians 4:6-8
#1 - Don't procrastinate with the school work load. It's tempting to do so, but trust me, the work load will quickly become overwhelming if you don't steadily chip away at it.
#2 - Gothic Spire and take a look at using Cherry Tree Hill Solids.
College Advice: Get to know your professors. Talk to them after class or visit them during office hours- but let them know you beyond just a name on the roll call sheet, and that you are engaged with the class. I didn't figure this out until my senior year and I regretted not doing it earlier. It can also help with recommendations when you graduate.
Other tidbit of advice: Ignore all of the credit card applications they will be sending you in the mail once you are in college.
Sock pattern: I'm liking the Flicker Sock Pattern. It's got a nice flow of texture without being too much. My second choice is Gothic Spire.
1. Go dancing. Experiment (there are several kinds of beer). Wear sunscreen.
2. Millicent. Because it's so elegant and chic at the same time. The cross-over on the foot, the lace on top - so cool, you might want to forego the shoes!
1. the having fun and growing as a person part is just as important as the getting good grades part.
2. thelonius is so amazing it makes my head hurt.
1) Just be yourself and work hard at suceeding in all of your classes. Eveyone likes a hard worker who's a "real" person.
2) Twisted Flower sock pattern, because It's not a knee sock, but it looks fabulously intricate and gorgeous. Pretty much, it's just a total stand out. Oh, and I'm just about to cast on for it too. =)
Question 1:My advice is to enjoy the learning process, but don't take it too seriously. And remember who you are and that you are important, you have value just as you are and you are loved and needed. and don't forget that Mom is home worrying about you and you have the power to ease that worry by letting your digits do the walking. LOL Best wishes to you.
Question 2: I like Mona, the design is complex enough, but not too. And I like the way that the lace design and the 'ribs' converge. And with all the college prep stuff that you will be doing, you need something complex enough to be absorbing(hmmm, I don't like that word but can't think of another), and not so complex that it is frustrating.
Have fun and hug that boy every chance you get between now and when he leaves.
#1: Join clubs and meet new people
#2: Twisted flower socks because the cabling is gorgeous.
i think it would look great in a solid or semi-solid color
1. Don't forget the essentials: A small toolbox with a hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. Not only will they come in handy to assemble furniture or install shelving in your new pad, you'll also be likely to make many new friends for being the tool guy.
2. Thelonious because the pattern offers just the right amount of lace work without being overwhelming; and while the ribbing looks simple, it actually has a playful design that will not bore you.
Question 1: If you are in desperate need for clean laundry and you don't want to fight the crowd in the communal laundry (or laudromat), wash your clothes on a Friday night.
Question 2: You need to make Millicent because it's so amazingly beautiful and sexy.
1. find a good place to get meat. you're not going to get it at the caf, so find a good mom and pop place to get your steak. Also, find a set of friends that are like your siblings. when it gets tense, you can deal. And if your at a party, if you can't recognize the smell, don't drink it.
2. Millicent. IT GORGEOUS!
1) Always bring along a sweater - it might get cold.
2) Gothic spire socks, because they are the laciest of the bunch, and you'd be more apt to wear them once the weather warms up.
As someone graduating high school in the next few weeks, I have a very different perspective than those who have commented before me. In the fall I hope to soak all of college in. I plan on welcoming and learning from new perspectives. My advice: be open to what others have to offer.
I think that the mix of ribbing and lace is incredible in Thelonious. I love how it all comes together in the toe!
Hi! Greetings from Finland and CONGRATS to your son!
I loove blog contests, so here are my answers.
1. Believe in yourself. There's nothing you can't do if you just have enough confidence in your abilities. Always listen to your mother's advice, because she has more experience than you (yes, very annoying, but so true) and the ability to see the bigger picture. And last but not least, be nice to the girls. If you're not, it will come back and bite you in the *ss.
2. Twisted Flower. Absolutely. This pattern just screams "knit me! knit me!". And flowers give you that summer feeling. I just finished a pair and I can't stop looking at them. Sooo pretty! And interesting to knit.
#1. Well, I almost let the deadline pass without adding my two cents worth of advise....Allow yourself the opportunity to be the man that you know that you are....or even just want to be. You have a chance to 'reinvent' yourself or highlight talents/interests that you might not have tried at home because people have a preconceived notion of who you are. Trust that God has paved the way for you to attend Norwich University for a reason....I'm sure He wants you to have fun too ! (and He probably would think it mature of you to leave your Mom a thank you note somewhere where she will find it after you are on to your great new life. Good luck!
#2. Well, I would say that you should just start with the Flicker pattern so that you could just work your way down the page by the end of summer because they are all great patterns. Flicker would look great in purple....but what wouldn't?!
I'm chiming in at the last minute! Congrats to your son.
1. It's hard to pin down the "best" advice for going off to college. One thing I'm really glad I did was to try a lot of different things in different facets of my planned field, to see which direction I might want to go after graduation. I took student jobs and did independent study projects at different labs, and found that what I thought I wanted to do wasn't actually what I enjoyed the most. So I had time to switch focus a bit, and in the end, the student "grunt"/data analysis job I had my last two years that I really enjoyed turned into an engineering job right out of college. No resumes, no interviewing, very handy!
2. I vote for Twisted Flower, simply because that's the first one of the bunch that I intend to try!
Ques. 1 - If someone tries to pressure you with "it has to be done NOW," back off. If you aren't being given time to think about the situation, then there's a (not good) reason. If it's legit, you'll get some time to think.
Ques. 2 - Gothic Spires - Lacy and interesting.
Missed the deadline, but I think this advise is totally worth the comment anyways. 1) Never throw your wash into a machine then leave. You never know what will happen to this. Just bring along a book to study. It's less expensive then losing all your clothes. Ask me how I know! =0) 2) Keep God First. I can see that He's important in your family I'll assume that He's important in your son's life. I worked with the youth group at church a while back...and it's sad the statistics for young adults that walk away from the church between high school and college. Find a church in your college town! Find a group on campus! Campus Crusade, Intervarsity, Navigators, there are many good groups that will keep you grounded. That's what I would pray for my son! Kristen
P.S. I've never knit a sock, so I won't attempt that question.
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