Saturday, January 5, 2008

Knit Fearlessly!!!!

Sandi Wiseheart, the wonderful editor of Knitting Daily has put forth a challenge for 2008.. Here is a snippet of her New Year's Day entry (the full article is here):

"How about you? Did you Knit Fearlessly? What would you knit in 2008 if you were really the knitter you've always dreamed of being?

Here's some things to think about:

  • Is there something you haven't tried because it seems Too Scary?
  • Is there a technique you want to learn, or learn to do more skillfully?
  • Is there something that stumps you?
  • Is there something that you are dying to try, in your secret knitter's heart, but haven't dared because you think you're not a good enough knitter?
  • Are you always knitting The Same Old Things, and you'd like to try something new?
  • Do you always knit for others, and never for yourself? Or perhaps you only knit yourself accessories, but never a lovely cardigan or pullover to wear?
What would you knit if you were truly a Fearless Knitter?"

What a challenge, and I'm taking her up on it!
I haven't been able to put time into keeping current on my blog entries, but here are bullets of what's currently on my needles, knitting ramblings, and life in general:

  • I'm rambling today...the 8 yr old has a tummy bug, and has been up during the night. I'm caffeinated, but not really functional. :)
  • Please still keep hubby's employment situation in prayer, as he finds a new job (laid off a month ago at workplace) after 13 or so years in this particular manufacturing supervisory position . The construction business slow-down is taking a toll here.
  • On my needles: Garter stitch tie for hubby in Rowan Tapestry is just about completed, he'll be wearing it to church tomorrow. Trust me. He promised. Nice pattern, and a no thought project to take with you .
  • Sampler Gansey! 3/4 of the way completed.I'm so glad to have used Beth Brown-Reinsel's Knitting Ganseys book. She's a great instructor! I have NO photos, as I found out a half hour ago that my batteries in the camera are dead.
  • I received in the mail a great random drawing gift from the HolidayKalCal. It's a cute knitted aqua cell phone holder and a matching gift card/lip balm/sweetener holder. And the adorable! This gift was from Barbra's etsy shop, All About the Buttons. Go check out her store...cute knitted organizers, pins, barettes, bookmarks, etc. My organizer set is beautifully crafted AND useful! Thanks, Barbra! :)
  • I actually had some "mommy"/adult knitting time this week! My friend Christine and I went to a new Chinese/Japanese restaurant in town. Good talk, great food, and no kids. Then it was off to the local knitting group at the library. This is a fairly new group, with knitters of all ages (about 4 to 80 years old!) and abilites. I'm really not a "group" person, but it's a drop in group on Fridays from 1-3 pm, and every one seems friendly. Also, my 8 yr old can peruse books for hours, so he enjoys his library time as well. I'll have to take photos next week, if I go.
  • No, I haven't blocked my Hemlock Throw yet. I may have said I'd do it....but I haven't. Sigh.

Well, my computer has gone black screen twice this morning so far, so I think I'll stay off for the day. My sleeplessness is catching up with me, and the coffee and Swedish Fish (yes, I ate the whole bag) is wearing off. Have a great Saturday!

Therefore, being justified by faith
we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1


Dorothy said...

I love Swedish fish! I'm praying for you and your family!

Barbra said...

Thanks for the shout-out! I hope you enjoy your set and come visit my shop anytime. Hope things are looking up for your husband. Sadly we've been there many times. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
Come visit me also at

Barbra said...


Dorothy said...

You've been TAGGED! See my blog for details!