1. the Lord saving my soul.
2. my wonderful hubby.
3. Brad, the Eldest...He's great to hang around with, even if he tries the "RTD" stuff on his mom and always wins...
4. Josh the Tall...we ARE so much alike!
5. Sam the Sweet and Smiley...He always is cheerful, and my lovey
The rest is in random order...as they come to me...
6. my local Library...I love books
7. hot coffee with half and half in my Longaberger mug
8. my church family
9. my "only" friend, as the kids think...Christine (my craft partner in crime, she is)
10. people at the Elegant Ewe!
11. my mom and dad...for everything
12. Annie, my pup
13. knitting podcasts
14. a warm house and a roof over my head
15. being able to watch White Christmas after I pop tomorrow's turkey in the oven!
16. Dunkin Donuts drive-throughs
17. Normie! My sister in the Lord
18. Yarn Love (you must be a knitter to appreciate...yarn)
19. Eldest's NU roomies
20. Monica, my friend
21. Pat and Steph, for the teen ministries at church.
22. Cuddles the yorkie
23. Ravelry
24. Tammy, my long lost true sister that is my twin...haven't seen her in 14 years, though!
OK, not my physical twin, but in my heart. :)
25. Gaither Vocal Band
26. my mom's cooking
27. being able to home school my children
28. The Princess Bride
29. my much-loved Bible
20. Mr. Fowler, a great example to me
21. pumpkin pie!
22. coffee, again
23. friends of Brad
24. friends of Josh
25. Grady, the cat who knows no enemies
26. so impersonal, but the internet (blogging, etc).
27. Debbie Macomber books
28. Hymns, I love to sing them
29. Day after Thanksgiving leftovers/sandwiches!
30. snow, as long as I'm at home.
31. Danny Kaye musicals
32. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (old version)
33. Yankee Candles
34. Hearing Sam giggle
35. spending time at the Outer Banks, NC with hubby
36. handmade quilts to snuggle in
37. Mrs. Clow, for being a good testimony to me
38. walking on Anna Maria Island, FL beaches...and shell hunting
39. Yarn Shops!!!!
40. The Little Drummer Boy
41. movies on DVD
42. Christmas lights!
43. LL Bean Wide-Leg Jeans...they fit me best. :)
44. grapefruit from Florida in February
46. fellowship with good friends
47. early morning quietness and time with my Lord
48. walking in the woods
49. apple picking in the fall, pumpkin farms too...
50. Tulips! my favorite flower, along with Lilacs.
51. Lily of the Valley perfume
52. listening to Sam read Geronimo Stilton books at bedtime
53. Hannah, my pup in Heaven.
54. did I mention my church family and Pastor?
55. hand-knit wool socks
56. Eggnog
57. Swedish Fish candy
58. NYC Broadway Shows! (I've only seen The Lion King, but I LOVE Broadway!)
59. Celtic music
60. The Sound of Music!
61. Homemade Potroast
62. time home with my whole family there...whether it's football, a movie, or whatever.
63. Having sons and all their friends over and eating all the food. Really.
64. for my son's future wives, whomever they may be. They are being prayed for! :)
65. KnitPicks podcast
66. Manos del Uruguay yarn
67. The song: Be Thou My Vision
68. Chapstick
69. Sertraline, gets me through PPMD!
70. being in my 40's!
71. The Red Sox winning the World Series
72. Golden Retrievers
73. books, books, books
74. traveling to Germany, years ago.
75. My Shakespeare teacher in high school...around 1980.
76. scent of Christmas Trees and Wreaths
77. Silent Nights
78. spending time with my mom, who lives out of state
79. music of Iz
80. our American soldiers for serving, sacrificing, and protecting us.
81. the old Bugs Bunny/Foghorn Leghorn, Wile E. Coyote cartoons...and watching them with my dad.
82. Speaking of Dad...His advice, encouragement and just being my dad.
83. Tea with honey when my throat hurts
84. my Lord not giving up on me, and for His never-ending forgiveness
85. Sushi. Enough said. My fav. Oops...and Edamame.
86. my years as an RN in the Neonatal ICU and Labor & Delivery.
87. Pancakes with REAL maple syrup
88. slippers and flannel jammies
89. my special surprise, Sam!
90. bonfires/campfires and S'mores
91. my gastric bypass surgery 5.5 years ago
92. watching the night sky and stars on a crisp and cloudless night
93. Lighthouses
94. Schnauzers
95. Christmas Eve with the family
96. Addi Turbo needles!
97. Sheep
98. The ocean breeze
99. NC BBQ! It's like no other.
100. the color red
101. Blue crabbing with the kids
102. Nancy, who helped me "remember" how to knit when my kids were little
103. my knitting cyber-friends
104. Croc shoes. I have quite a few
105. spending time at the family lake house here in NH
106. Snowmen!
107. growing up on a dairy farm in CT
108. being able to know my Scottish great-Grandmother, who lived to be 101 years old.
109. Did I mention knitting?
110. rainbow, and roses, and whiskers on kittens...(you know the song)
111. being able to teach at Vacation Bible School each summer
112. French Fries with Mayonnaise! Chips with Onion Dip! who needs the chips?
113. The Old Rugged Cross
114. my bifocals/Anne Klein frames...but they're still bifocals
115. Hot cocoa made from scratch...with marshmallows
116. my youth group when I was growing up...Suzanne and Lynn...
117. playing the guitar when I was younger
118. 3 sons, and my first child that I'll meet in Heaven someday
119. days on the Lake, on an inner tube
120. vacuums! I can't imagine having kids without one. And my washer and dryer!
121. our geriatric pet chicken, Sonja...
122. Campbell's chicken noodle soup...better yet, my own homemade chicken soup with pastini
123. fresh flowers unexpected from my hubby, although few and far between! (hint, Brad...)
124. the scent of Spring, and Fall, and Summer, and the icy fresh scent after a good snowfall.
125. Sand dollars found on the beach, when you're not even looking for them.
126. my only sister, Karin...aka Boopie.
127. Sharpie markers...I use them everywhere.
128. bookmarks and tote bags, I never have enough of them.
129. The Wedding Song
130. Fox News Channel (favorite news channel) and Food Network...I watch, but usually don't cook the items shown prepared!
The List is not complete, but it's time to post...
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to All!
Hooray for the Gaithers, the Princess Bride, and Swedish Fish! And of course, AMEN for salvation through Jesus!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Wow! I need to do that too-make a list. We have so much...ALL BECAUSE OF HIM.
Thank you for the wonderful post idea. I went ahead and used your format to complete my list! I didn't make it to 100, but only because I am pressed for time. Most of all I'm thankful for my salvation through Jesus too!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
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